Cancer is a Word, Not a Sentence
The rush of feelings that can come with a childhood cancer diagnosis include fear, panic, confusion, anger, depression and loneliness. Accepting a diagnosis and beginning a cancer journey is difficult. Radiation and chemotherapy treatments can also result in memory loss, slow thinking and other cognitive issues that make processing emotions even more challenging.
The Walking Miracles Family Foundation referral network includes local and statewide counselors who provide emotional and spiritual counseling for cancer patients and caregivers. They can help reduce feelings and distress and anxiety, help increase feelings of empowerment and hope, and share ways that can help with coping. Our network also includes cognitive testing that can help identify and treat cognitive issues to help improve memory and make processing emotions easier. The Walking Miracles counseling program is available to any West Virginia child, adolescent, or young adult cancer patient, caregiver or family member.

Walking Miracles counseling program is available to any West Virginia child, adolescent and young adult being treated for cancer in West Virginia, as well as caregivers and/or family members are eligible for this benefit.

Cognitive Testing
Many childhood and adolescent cancer patients and survivors develop neurocognitive impairment, negatively affecting education and psychosocial functioning.
What is Neuropsychological testing?
Neuropsychological testing involves giving a child a number of tests that provide information about how the brain works in the areas of memory, speed, language, visual processing, auditory processing, integration of information, emotional and behavioral regulation, and planning and organization. The tests are administered by a trained professional (either a licensed psychologist or someone supervised by the psychologist). The purpose is to provide a comprehensive, detailed assessment of a person’s ability to encode, process, store and express information. Interpretation of the various test results allows strengths and weakness to be uncovered. From this evaluation, recommendations can be made for accommodations to assist learning and functioning.
The tests that are used are developed for children, and the tests that are given are selected to match the skills expected for children of specific age ranges. The child’s scores are based on how he or she performs compared to other children of the same age. Neuropsychological tests of specific abilities may vary, depending on the age of the child at the time of diagnosis and treatment, the age at the time he or she is tested, and what kind of treatment he or she received.
We have a wonderful resource for you and your child or adolescent in West Virginia to have this test done.
Please visit the Division of Rehabilitation Services for more information visit the link below. This link lists the all the state offices throughout West Virginia.